Ant Intelligent Robot (AIR) is a small and powerful mobile robot platform that is designed to be used in a heterogeneous robotic swarm that is currently under development at the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems (AI-MAS) at the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest under the supervision of Prof. Adina Magda Florea. I made this video to depict the major development stages of the project.
Some of AIR’s feature highlights are:
- Robot application development can be done in almost any programming language (C/C++, Java, Python, Ruby, Pearl even Bash).
- The robot has a distributed fault-tolerant hardware architecture with a state-of-the-art control and positioning system.
- It runs a real-time Linux OS.
- It is equipped with range and proximity sensors, a image processing module and an audio recognition system.
- It weights approximately 0.7 Kg with a circumference of 10 cm and, like an ant, can push, pull or carry up to 9 Kg (more than 10 times its actual weight).
More info: