On the 15th November 2016, the IEEE’s AI and Ethics Summit posed the question: “Who does the thinking?” In a series of key-note speeches and lively panel discussions, leading technologists, legal thinkers, philosophers, social scientists, manufacturers and policy makers considered such issues as:
- The social, technological and philosophical questions orbiting AI.
- Proposals to program ethical algorithms with human values to machines.
- The social implications of the applications of AI.
Click here to read the final report, and enjoy a selection of videos from the conference below.
Welcome: Marko Delimar
Keynote Speaker: Wojciech Wiewiórowski
Panel 1: Autonomous Systems – Managing Risk and Reward
Panel Members: Raja Chatila, Kay Firth-Butterfield, Juha Heikkilä, Jérôme Perrin
Panel 2: Programming Human Ethics: Cui Bono?
Panel Members: Joanna Bryson, Mady Delvaux, Sarah Spiekermann, Corrine Cath
Panel 3: Social Implications – Perils & Promises of AI
Panel Members: Greg Adamson, Nikolaos Mavridis, Paul Nemitz, Aurélie Pols
Closing Remarks: John C. Havens
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